Light and Bonded Leather Sofas

Posted by Chaise Sofas on

If you are choosing bonded or real leather sofas, you may be concerned about the effects of light on your new couch. Direct sunlight can compromise leather, fading the fabric and causing it to crack. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to keep your lounge in the dark. There are some tips and tricks to not only ensure that your new couch is not damaged, but is in fact, showcased by the lighting in your room.

Protecting Your Bonded Leather Sofas:

Although direct sunlight can be a challenge, it is possible to protect your bonded leather sofas. It is a good idea to avoid placing your sofa in direct sunlight, or if this is unavoidable, try to rotate your sofa so that one specific area is not overly exposed. You should also use a conditioner product to keep the leather looking great and feeling supple. A specialist conditioner will soften the bonded leather or real leather couches to prevent the fabric from drying out and cracking.

It is also a good idea to ensure that your sofa is regularly cleaned and vacuumed. Vacuuming up any loose crumbs or debris will prevent damage to the seams and other potentially vulnerable areas. You should also use a damp clean cloth to remove any sticky finger marks or other stains from everyday life that could compromise the aesthetic of your couch.

Showcasing Your Couches:

If your bonded leather couches are in a living room or family room, it is likely to be a well lit area. Although you may have lamps or diffused light for relaxing in the evening, during the day, the area should be light and bright for family activities. You can showcase your new leather couch further with great lighting. If you have chosen a darker sofa and have a darker room, you should choose lighter coloured lamps to draw the eye and anchor your room decor.

If you want to maximise the light in your room, showcase your lighter coloured couch with lighter walls. This will create a bright, morning feeling to your room. You can also further showcase your new couch with accent pieces. Smaller tables stands, or area rugs add a different texture to complement your couch and create a more diffuse lighting effect. This can allow you to create spots of light or darker shades, depending on the overall tone of the room.

If you are interested in leather sofas, Perth based Chaise Sofas is here to help. We have a diverse range of lounges, couches, and sofas including bonded leather sofas and real leather sofas. Our team is also available to address any queries you may have. Visit our showroom to see our fantastic range for yourself.

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